Understanding pictures and other shapes
从概念上讲,Word 文档有两个 层 ( layers ),即 文本层(text layer) 和 绘图层(drawing layer)。 在文本层中,文本对象从左到右、从上到下流式排列,并在填满当前页面时自动换页。 在绘图层中,绘图对象(称为 形状(shapes) )可以被放置在任意位置,有时这些形状也被称为 浮动(floating) 形状。
图片是一种可以出现在文本层或绘图层中的形状。 当它出现在文本层时,称为 内联形状(inline shape),更具体地说,称为 内联图片(inline picture)。
内联形状的行为类似于一个较大的文本字符( 字符字形(character glyph) )。 行高会自动增加以容纳该形状,并且该形状会像文本一样适应行宽进行换行。 如果在其前面插入文本,它会向右移动。通常,图片会单独放置在一个段落中,但这并不是必须的, 它也可以与同一段落中的文本共存,即在其前后都有文本。
浮动图片虽然可以添加,但如果你有相关的使用需求,可以在 issue 追踪器上提交功能请求。
不过,如果深入研究 API,还可以让图片与同一段落中的文本并列显示,甚至同时在其两侧放置文本。
Conceptually, Word documents have two layers, a text layer and a drawing layer. In the text layer, text objects are flowed from left to right and from top to bottom, starting a new page when the prior one is filled. In the drawing layer, drawing objects, called shapes, are placed at arbitrary positions. These are sometimes referred to as floating shapes.
A picture is a shape that can appear in either the text or drawing layer. When it appears in the text layer it is called an inline shape, or more specifically, an inline picture.
Inline shapes are treated like a big text character (a character glyph). The line height is increased to accomodate the shape and the shape is wrapped to a line it will fit on width-wise, just like text. Inserting text in front of it will cause it to move to the right. Often, a picture is placed in a paragraph by itself, but this is not required. It can have text before and after it in the paragraph in which it's placed.
At the time of writing, python-docx
only supports inline pictures. Floating pictures can be added. If you have an active use case, submit a feature request on the issue tracker. The Document.add_picture()
method adds a specified picture to the end of the document in a paragraph of its own. However, by digging a little deeper into the API you can place text on either side of the picture in its paragraph, or both.