API 基础知识¶
API basics
的 API 旨在使简单的事情变得简单,同时允许通过适度和渐进的理解投入实现更复杂的结果。
仅使用一个对象即可创建基本文档,即打开文件时返回的 docx.api.Document
上的方法允许将 块级 对象添加到文档末尾。块级对象包括段落、内联图片和表格。
通过这种方式,可以从上到下“编写”文档,大致就像一个人如果确切知道自己想说什么一样。这种基本用例(内容始终添加到文档末尾)预计占实际用例的 80%,因此,在不影响整体 API 功能的情况下,使其尽可能简单是当务之急。
The API for python-docx
is designed to make doing simple things simple, while
allowing more complex results to be achieved with a modest and incremental
investment of understanding.
It's possible to create a basic document using only a single object, the
object returned when opening a file. The methods on
allow block-level objects to be added to the end of the
document. Block-level objects include paragraphs, inline pictures, and tables.
Headings, bullets, and numbered lists are simply paragraphs with a particular
style applied.
In this way, a document can be "written" from top to bottom, roughly like a person would if they knew exactly what they wanted to say This basic use case, where content is always added to the end of the document, is expected to account for perhaps 80% of actual use cases, so it's a priority to make it as simple as possible without compromising the power of the overall API.
Inline objects
上的每个块级方法(例如 add_paragraph()
... 随着 API 的完善,在此处添加示例...
Each block-level method on docx.api.Document
, such as add_paragraph()
, returns
the block-level object created. Often the reference is unneeded; but when
inline objects must be created individually, you'll need the block-item
reference to do it.
... add example here as API solidifies ...