docx.table 源代码

"""The |Table| object and related proxy classes."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterator, cast, overload

from typing_extensions import TypeAlias

from docx.blkcntnr import BlockItemContainer
from import WD_STYLE_TYPE
from docx.enum.table import WD_CELL_VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT
from docx.oxml.simpletypes import ST_Merge
from docx.oxml.table import CT_TblGridCol
from docx.shared import Inches, Parented, StoryChild, lazyproperty

    import docx.types as t
    from docx.oxml.table import CT_Row, CT_Tbl, CT_TblPr, CT_Tc
    from docx.shared import Length
    from import (
        _TableStyle,  # pyright: ignore[reportPrivateUsage]

TableParent: TypeAlias = "Table | _Columns | _Rows"

[文档] class Table(StoryChild): """Proxy class for a WordprocessingML ``<w:tbl>`` element.""" def __init__(self, tbl: CT_Tbl, parent: t.ProvidesStoryPart): super(Table, self).__init__(parent) self._element = tbl self._tbl = tbl
[文档] def add_column(self, width: Length): """Return a |_Column| object of `width`, newly added rightmost to the table.""" tblGrid = self._tbl.tblGrid gridCol = tblGrid.add_gridCol() gridCol.w = width for tr in self._tbl.tr_lst: tc = tr.add_tc() tc.width = width return _Column(gridCol, self)
[文档] def add_row(self): """Return a |_Row| instance, newly added bottom-most to the table.""" tbl = self._tbl tr = tbl.add_tr() for gridCol in tbl.tblGrid.gridCol_lst: tc = tr.add_tc() if gridCol.w is not None: tc.width = gridCol.w return _Row(tr, self)
@property def alignment(self) -> WD_TABLE_ALIGNMENT | None: """Read/write. A member of :ref:`WdRowAlignment` or None, specifying the positioning of this table between the page margins. |None| if no setting is specified, causing the effective value to be inherited from the style hierarchy. """ return self._tblPr.alignment @alignment.setter def alignment(self, value: WD_TABLE_ALIGNMENT | None): self._tblPr.alignment = value @property def autofit(self) -> bool: """|True| if column widths can be automatically adjusted to improve the fit of cell contents. |False| if table layout is fixed. Column widths are adjusted in either case if total column width exceeds page width. Read/write boolean. """ return self._tblPr.autofit @autofit.setter def autofit(self, value: bool): self._tblPr.autofit = value
[文档] def cell(self, row_idx: int, col_idx: int) -> _Cell: """|_Cell| at `row_idx`, `col_idx` intersection. (0, 0) is the top, left-most cell. """ cell_idx = col_idx + (row_idx * self._column_count) return self._cells[cell_idx]
[文档] def column_cells(self, column_idx: int) -> list[_Cell]: """Sequence of cells in the column at `column_idx` in this table.""" cells = self._cells idxs = range(column_idx, len(cells), self._column_count) return [cells[idx] for idx in idxs]
[文档] @lazyproperty def columns(self): """|_Columns| instance representing the sequence of columns in this table.""" return _Columns(self._tbl, self)
[文档] def row_cells(self, row_idx: int) -> list[_Cell]: """DEPRECATED: Use `table.rows[row_idx].cells` instead. Sequence of cells in the row at `row_idx` in this table. """ column_count = self._column_count start = row_idx * column_count end = start + column_count return self._cells[start:end]
[文档] @lazyproperty def rows(self) -> _Rows: """|_Rows| instance containing the sequence of rows in this table.""" return _Rows(self._tbl, self)
@property def style(self) -> _TableStyle | None: """|_TableStyle| object representing the style applied to this table. Read/write. The default table style for the document (often `Normal Table`) is returned if the table has no directly-applied style. Assigning |None| to this property removes any directly-applied table style causing it to inherit the default table style of the document. Note that the style name of a table style differs slightly from that displayed in the user interface; a hyphen, if it appears, must be removed. For example, `Light Shading - Accent 1` becomes `Light Shading Accent 1`. """ style_id = self._tbl.tblStyle_val return cast("_TableStyle | None", self.part.get_style(style_id, WD_STYLE_TYPE.TABLE)) @style.setter def style(self, style_or_name: _TableStyle | str | None): style_id = self.part.get_style_id(style_or_name, WD_STYLE_TYPE.TABLE) self._tbl.tblStyle_val = style_id @property def table(self): """Provide child objects with reference to the |Table| object they belong to, without them having to know their direct parent is a |Table| object. This is the terminus of a series of `parent._table` calls from an arbitrary child through its ancestors. """ return self @property def table_direction(self) -> WD_TABLE_DIRECTION | None: """Member of :ref:`WdTableDirection` indicating cell-ordering direction. For example: `WD_TABLE_DIRECTION.LTR`. |None| indicates the value is inherited from the style hierarchy. """ return cast("WD_TABLE_DIRECTION | None", self._tbl.bidiVisual_val) @table_direction.setter def table_direction(self, value: WD_TABLE_DIRECTION | None): self._element.bidiVisual_val = value @property def _cells(self) -> list[_Cell]: """A sequence of |_Cell| objects, one for each cell of the layout grid. If the table contains a span, one or more |_Cell| object references are repeated. """ col_count = self._column_count cells: list[_Cell] = [] for tc in self._tbl.iter_tcs(): for grid_span_idx in range(tc.grid_span): if tc.vMerge == ST_Merge.CONTINUE: cells.append(cells[-col_count]) elif grid_span_idx > 0: cells.append(cells[-1]) else: cells.append(_Cell(tc, self)) return cells @property def _column_count(self): """The number of grid columns in this table.""" return self._tbl.col_count @property def _tblPr(self) -> CT_TblPr: return self._tbl.tblPr
[文档] class _Cell(BlockItemContainer): """Table cell.""" def __init__(self, tc: CT_Tc, parent: TableParent): super(_Cell, self).__init__(tc, cast("t.ProvidesStoryPart", parent)) self._parent = parent self._tc = self._element = tc
[文档] def add_paragraph(self, text: str = "", style: str | ParagraphStyle | None = None): """Return a paragraph newly added to the end of the content in this cell. If present, `text` is added to the paragraph in a single run. If specified, the paragraph style `style` is applied. If `style` is not specified or is |None|, the result is as though the 'Normal' style was applied. Note that the formatting of text in a cell can be influenced by the table style. `text` can contain tab (``\\t``) characters, which are converted to the appropriate XML form for a tab. `text` can also include newline (``\\n``) or carriage return (``\\r``) characters, each of which is converted to a line break. """ return super(_Cell, self).add_paragraph(text, style)
[文档] def add_table( # pyright: ignore[reportIncompatibleMethodOverride] self, rows: int, cols: int ) -> Table: """Return a table newly added to this cell after any existing cell content. The new table will have `rows` rows and `cols` columns. An empty paragraph is added after the table because Word requires a paragraph element as the last element in every cell. """ width = self.width if self.width is not None else Inches(1) table = super(_Cell, self).add_table(rows, cols, width) self.add_paragraph() return table
@property def grid_span(self) -> int: """Number of layout-grid cells this cell spans horizontally. A "normal" cell has a grid-span of 1. A horizontally merged cell has a grid-span of 2 or more. """ return self._tc.grid_span
[文档] def merge(self, other_cell: _Cell): """Return a merged cell created by spanning the rectangular region having this cell and `other_cell` as diagonal corners. Raises |InvalidSpanError| if the cells do not define a rectangular region. """ tc, tc_2 = self._tc, other_cell._tc merged_tc = tc.merge(tc_2) return _Cell(merged_tc, self._parent)
@property def paragraphs(self): """List of paragraphs in the cell. A table cell is required to contain at least one block-level element and end with a paragraph. By default, a new cell contains a single paragraph. Read-only """ return super(_Cell, self).paragraphs @property def tables(self): """List of tables in the cell, in the order they appear. Read-only. """ return super(_Cell, self).tables @property def text(self) -> str: """The entire contents of this cell as a string of text. Assigning a string to this property replaces all existing content with a single paragraph containing the assigned text in a single run. """ return "\n".join(p.text for p in self.paragraphs) @text.setter def text(self, text: str): """Write-only. Set entire contents of cell to the string `text`. Any existing content or revisions are replaced. """ tc = self._tc tc.clear_content() p = tc.add_p() r = p.add_r() r.text = text @property def vertical_alignment(self): """Member of :ref:`WdCellVerticalAlignment` or None. A value of |None| indicates vertical alignment for this cell is inherited. Assigning |None| causes any explicitly defined vertical alignment to be removed, restoring inheritance. """ tcPr = self._element.tcPr if tcPr is None: return None return tcPr.vAlign_val @vertical_alignment.setter def vertical_alignment(self, value: WD_CELL_VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT | None): tcPr = self._element.get_or_add_tcPr() tcPr.vAlign_val = value @property def width(self): """The width of this cell in EMU, or |None| if no explicit width is set.""" return self._tc.width @width.setter def width(self, value: Length): self._tc.width = value
[文档] class _Column(Parented): """Table column.""" def __init__(self, gridCol: CT_TblGridCol, parent: TableParent): super(_Column, self).__init__(parent) self._parent = parent self._gridCol = gridCol @property def cells(self) -> tuple[_Cell, ...]: """Sequence of |_Cell| instances corresponding to cells in this column.""" return tuple(self.table.column_cells(self._index)) @property def table(self) -> Table: """Reference to the |Table| object this column belongs to.""" return self._parent.table @property def width(self) -> Length | None: """The width of this column in EMU, or |None| if no explicit width is set.""" return self._gridCol.w @width.setter def width(self, value: Length | None): self._gridCol.w = value @property def _index(self): """Index of this column in its table, starting from zero.""" return self._gridCol.gridCol_idx
[文档] class _Columns(Parented): """Sequence of |_Column| instances corresponding to the columns in a table. Supports ``len()``, iteration and indexed access. """ def __init__(self, tbl: CT_Tbl, parent: TableParent): super(_Columns, self).__init__(parent) self._parent = parent self._tbl = tbl def __getitem__(self, idx: int): """Provide indexed access, e.g. 'columns[0]'.""" try: gridCol = self._gridCol_lst[idx] except IndexError: msg = "column index [%d] is out of range" % idx raise IndexError(msg) return _Column(gridCol, self) def __iter__(self): for gridCol in self._gridCol_lst: yield _Column(gridCol, self) def __len__(self): return len(self._gridCol_lst) @property def table(self) -> Table: """Reference to the |Table| object this column collection belongs to.""" return self._parent.table @property def _gridCol_lst(self): """Sequence containing ``<w:gridCol>`` elements for this table, each representing a table column.""" tblGrid = self._tbl.tblGrid return tblGrid.gridCol_lst
[文档] class _Row(Parented): """Table row.""" def __init__(self, tr: CT_Row, parent: TableParent): super(_Row, self).__init__(parent) self._parent = parent self._tr = self._element = tr @property def cells(self) -> tuple[_Cell, ...]: """Sequence of |_Cell| instances corresponding to cells in this row. Note that Word allows table rows to start later than the first column and end before the last column. - Only cells actually present are included in the return value. - This implies the length of this cell sequence may differ between rows of the same table. - If you are reading the cells from each row to form a rectangular "matrix" data structure of the table cell values, you will need to account for empty leading and/or trailing layout-grid positions using `.grid_cols_before` and `.grid_cols_after`. """ def iter_tc_cells(tc: CT_Tc) -> Iterator[_Cell]: """Generate a cell object for each layout-grid cell in `tc`. In particular, a `<w:tc>` element with a horizontal "span" with generate the same cell multiple times, one for each grid-cell being spanned. This approximates a row in a "uniform" table, where each row has a cell for each column in the table. """ # -- a cell comprising the second or later row of a vertical span is indicated by # -- tc.vMerge="continue" (the default value of the `w:vMerge` attribute, when it is # -- present in the XML). The `w:tc` element at the same grid-offset in the prior row # -- is guaranteed to be the same width (gridSpan). So we can delegate content # -- discovery to that prior-row `w:tc` element (recursively) until we arrive at the # -- "root" cell -- for the vertical span. if tc.vMerge == "continue": yield from iter_tc_cells(tc._tc_above) # pyright: ignore[reportPrivateUsage] return # -- Otherwise, vMerge is either "restart" or None, meaning this `tc` holds the actual # -- content of the cell (whether it is vertically merged or not). cell = _Cell(tc, self.table) for _ in range(tc.grid_span): yield cell def _iter_row_cells() -> Iterator[_Cell]: """Generate `_Cell` instance for each populated layout-grid cell in this row.""" for tc in self._tr.tc_lst: yield from iter_tc_cells(tc) return tuple(_iter_row_cells()) @property def grid_cols_after(self) -> int: """Count of unpopulated grid-columns after the last cell in this row. Word allows a row to "end early", meaning that one or more cells are not present at the end of that row. Note these are not simply "empty" cells. The renderer reads this value and "skips" this many columns after drawing the last cell. Note this also implies that not all rows are guaranteed to have the same number of cells, e.g. `_Row.cells` could have length `n` for one row and `n - m` for the next row in the same table. Visually this appears as a column (at the beginning or end, not in the middle) with one or more cells missing. """ return self._tr.grid_after @property def grid_cols_before(self) -> int: """Count of unpopulated grid-columns before the first cell in this row. Word allows a row to "start late", meaning that one or more cells are not present at the beginning of that row. Note these are not simply "empty" cells. The renderer reads this value and skips forward to the table layout-grid position of the first cell in this row; the renderer "skips" this many columns before drawing the first cell. Note this also implies that not all rows are guaranteed to have the same number of cells, e.g. `_Row.cells` could have length `n` for one row and `n - m` for the next row in the same table. """ return self._tr.grid_before @property def height(self) -> Length | None: """Return a |Length| object representing the height of this cell, or |None| if no explicit height is set.""" return self._tr.trHeight_val @height.setter def height(self, value: Length | None): self._tr.trHeight_val = value @property def height_rule(self) -> WD_ROW_HEIGHT_RULE | None: """Return the height rule of this cell as a member of the :ref:`WdRowHeightRule`. This value is |None| if no explicit height_rule is set. """ return self._tr.trHeight_hRule @height_rule.setter def height_rule(self, value: WD_ROW_HEIGHT_RULE | None): self._tr.trHeight_hRule = value @property def table(self) -> Table: """Reference to the |Table| object this row belongs to.""" return self._parent.table @property def _index(self) -> int: """Index of this row in its table, starting from zero.""" return self._tr.tr_idx
[文档] class _Rows(Parented): """Sequence of |_Row| objects corresponding to the rows in a table. Supports ``len()``, iteration, indexed access, and slicing. """ def __init__(self, tbl: CT_Tbl, parent: TableParent): super(_Rows, self).__init__(parent) self._parent = parent self._tbl = tbl @overload def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> _Row: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, idx: slice) -> list[_Row]: ... def __getitem__(self, idx: int | slice) -> _Row | list[_Row]: """Provide indexed access, (e.g. `rows[0]` or `rows[1:3]`)""" return list(self)[idx] def __iter__(self): return (_Row(tr, self) for tr in self._tbl.tr_lst) def __len__(self): return len(self._tbl.tr_lst) @property def table(self) -> Table: """Reference to the |Table| object this row collection belongs to.""" return self._parent.table