docx.text.parfmt 源代码
"""Paragraph-related proxy types."""
from docx.enum.text import WD_LINE_SPACING
from docx.shared import ElementProxy, Emu, Length, Pt, Twips, lazyproperty
from docx.text.tabstops import TabStops
class ParagraphFormat(ElementProxy):
"""Provides access to paragraph formatting such as justification, indentation, line
spacing, space before and after, and widow/orphan control."""
def alignment(self):
"""A member of the :ref:`WdParagraphAlignment` enumeration specifying the
justification setting for this paragraph.
A value of |None| indicates paragraph alignment is inherited from the style
pPr = self._element.pPr
if pPr is None:
return None
return pPr.jc_val
def alignment(self, value):
pPr = self._element.get_or_add_pPr()
pPr.jc_val = value
def first_line_indent(self):
"""|Length| value specifying the relative difference in indentation for the
first line of the paragraph.
A positive value causes the first line to be indented. A negative value produces
a hanging indent. |None| indicates first line indentation is inherited from the
style hierarchy.
pPr = self._element.pPr
if pPr is None:
return None
return pPr.first_line_indent
def first_line_indent(self, value):
pPr = self._element.get_or_add_pPr()
pPr.first_line_indent = value
def keep_together(self):
"""|True| if the paragraph should be kept "in one piece" and not broken across a
page boundary when the document is rendered.
|None| indicates its effective value is inherited from the style hierarchy.
pPr = self._element.pPr
if pPr is None:
return None
return pPr.keepLines_val
def keep_together(self, value):
self._element.get_or_add_pPr().keepLines_val = value
def keep_with_next(self):
"""|True| if the paragraph should be kept on the same page as the subsequent
paragraph when the document is rendered.
For example, this property could be used to keep a section heading on the same
page as its first paragraph. |None| indicates its effective value is inherited
from the style hierarchy.
pPr = self._element.pPr
if pPr is None:
return None
return pPr.keepNext_val
def keep_with_next(self, value):
self._element.get_or_add_pPr().keepNext_val = value
def left_indent(self):
"""|Length| value specifying the space between the left margin and the left side
of the paragraph.
|None| indicates the left indent value is inherited from the style hierarchy.
Use an |Inches| value object as a convenient way to apply indentation in units
of inches.
pPr = self._element.pPr
if pPr is None:
return None
return pPr.ind_left
def left_indent(self, value):
pPr = self._element.get_or_add_pPr()
pPr.ind_left = value
def line_spacing(self):
"""|float| or |Length| value specifying the space between baselines in
successive lines of the paragraph.
A value of |None| indicates line spacing is inherited from the style hierarchy.
A float value, e.g. ``2.0`` or ``1.75``, indicates spacing is applied in
multiples of line heights. A |Length| value such as ``Pt(12)`` indicates spacing
is a fixed height. The |Pt| value class is a convenient way to apply line
spacing in units of points. Assigning |None| resets line spacing to inherit from
the style hierarchy.
pPr = self._element.pPr
if pPr is None:
return None
return self._line_spacing(pPr.spacing_line, pPr.spacing_lineRule)
def line_spacing(self, value):
pPr = self._element.get_or_add_pPr()
if value is None:
pPr.spacing_line = None
pPr.spacing_lineRule = None
elif isinstance(value, Length):
pPr.spacing_line = value
if pPr.spacing_lineRule != WD_LINE_SPACING.AT_LEAST:
pPr.spacing_lineRule = WD_LINE_SPACING.EXACTLY
pPr.spacing_line = Emu(value * Twips(240))
pPr.spacing_lineRule = WD_LINE_SPACING.MULTIPLE
def line_spacing_rule(self):
"""A member of the :ref:`WdLineSpacing` enumeration indicating how the value of
:attr:`line_spacing` should be interpreted.
Assigning any of the :ref:`WdLineSpacing` members :attr:`SINGLE`,
:attr:`DOUBLE`, or :attr:`ONE_POINT_FIVE` will cause the value of
:attr:`line_spacing` to be updated to produce the corresponding line spacing.
pPr = self._element.pPr
if pPr is None:
return None
return self._line_spacing_rule(pPr.spacing_line, pPr.spacing_lineRule)
def line_spacing_rule(self, value):
pPr = self._element.get_or_add_pPr()
pPr.spacing_line = Twips(240)
pPr.spacing_lineRule = WD_LINE_SPACING.MULTIPLE
pPr.spacing_line = Twips(360)
pPr.spacing_lineRule = WD_LINE_SPACING.MULTIPLE
pPr.spacing_line = Twips(480)
pPr.spacing_lineRule = WD_LINE_SPACING.MULTIPLE
pPr.spacing_lineRule = value
def page_break_before(self):
"""|True| if the paragraph should appear at the top of the page following the
prior paragraph.
|None| indicates its effective value is inherited from the style hierarchy.
pPr = self._element.pPr
if pPr is None:
return None
return pPr.pageBreakBefore_val
def page_break_before(self, value):
self._element.get_or_add_pPr().pageBreakBefore_val = value
def right_indent(self):
"""|Length| value specifying the space between the right margin and the right
side of the paragraph.
|None| indicates the right indent value is inherited from the style hierarchy.
Use a |Cm| value object as a convenient way to apply indentation in units of
pPr = self._element.pPr
if pPr is None:
return None
return pPr.ind_right
def right_indent(self, value):
pPr = self._element.get_or_add_pPr()
pPr.ind_right = value
def space_after(self):
"""|Length| value specifying the spacing to appear between this paragraph and
the subsequent paragraph.
|None| indicates this value is inherited from the style hierarchy. |Length|
objects provide convenience properties, such as :attr:`` and
:attr:`~.Length.inches`, that allow easy conversion to various length units.
pPr = self._element.pPr
if pPr is None:
return None
return pPr.spacing_after
def space_after(self, value):
self._element.get_or_add_pPr().spacing_after = value
def space_before(self):
"""|Length| value specifying the spacing to appear between this paragraph and
the prior paragraph.
|None| indicates this value is inherited from the style hierarchy. |Length|
objects provide convenience properties, such as :attr:`` and
:attr:``, that allow easy conversion to various length units.
pPr = self._element.pPr
if pPr is None:
return None
return pPr.spacing_before
def space_before(self, value):
self._element.get_or_add_pPr().spacing_before = value
def tab_stops(self):
"""|TabStops| object providing access to the tab stops defined for this
paragraph format."""
pPr = self._element.get_or_add_pPr()
return TabStops(pPr)
def widow_control(self):
"""|True| if the first and last lines in the paragraph remain on the same page
as the rest of the paragraph when Word repaginates the document.
|None| indicates its effective value is inherited from the style hierarchy.
pPr = self._element.pPr
if pPr is None:
return None
return pPr.widowControl_val
def widow_control(self, value):
self._element.get_or_add_pPr().widowControl_val = value
def _line_spacing(spacing_line, spacing_lineRule):
"""Return the line spacing value calculated from the combination of
`spacing_line` and `spacing_lineRule`.
Returns a |float| number of lines when `spacing_lineRule` is
``WD_LINE_SPACING.MULTIPLE``, otherwise a |Length| object of absolute line
height is returned. Returns |None| when `spacing_line` is |None|.
if spacing_line is None:
return None
if spacing_lineRule == WD_LINE_SPACING.MULTIPLE:
return spacing_line / Pt(12)
return spacing_line
def _line_spacing_rule(line, lineRule):
"""Return the line spacing rule value calculated from the combination of `line`
and `lineRule`.
Returns special members of the :ref:`WdLineSpacing` enumeration when line
spacing is single, double, or 1.5 lines.
if line == Twips(240):
if line == Twips(360):
if line == Twips(480):
return lineRule