"""Run-related proxy objects for python-docx, Run in particular."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import IO, TYPE_CHECKING, Iterator, cast
from docx.drawing import Drawing
from docx.enum.style import WD_STYLE_TYPE
from docx.enum.text import WD_BREAK
from docx.oxml.drawing import CT_Drawing
from docx.oxml.text.pagebreak import CT_LastRenderedPageBreak
from docx.shape import InlineShape
from docx.shared import StoryChild
from docx.styles.style import CharacterStyle
from docx.text.font import Font
from docx.text.pagebreak import RenderedPageBreak
import docx.types as t
from docx.enum.text import WD_UNDERLINE
from docx.oxml.text.run import CT_R, CT_Text
from docx.shared import Length
class Run(StoryChild):
"""Proxy object wrapping `<w:r>` element.
Several of the properties on Run take a tri-state value, |True|, |False|, or |None|.
|True| and |False| correspond to on and off respectively. |None| indicates the
property is not specified directly on the run and its effective value is taken from
the style hierarchy.
def __init__(self, r: CT_R, parent: t.ProvidesStoryPart):
self._r = self._element = self.element = r
def add_break(self, break_type: WD_BREAK = WD_BREAK.LINE):
"""Add a break element of `break_type` to this run.
`break_type` can take the values `WD_BREAK.LINE`, `WD_BREAK.PAGE`, and
`WD_BREAK.COLUMN` where `WD_BREAK` is imported from `docx.enum.text`.
`break_type` defaults to `WD_BREAK.LINE`.
type_, clear = {
WD_BREAK.LINE: (None, None),
WD_BREAK.PAGE: ("page", None),
WD_BREAK.COLUMN: ("column", None),
WD_BREAK.LINE_CLEAR_LEFT: ("textWrapping", "left"),
WD_BREAK.LINE_CLEAR_RIGHT: ("textWrapping", "right"),
WD_BREAK.LINE_CLEAR_ALL: ("textWrapping", "all"),
br = self._r.add_br()
if type_ is not None:
br.type = type_
if clear is not None:
br.clear = clear
def add_picture(
image_path_or_stream: str | IO[bytes],
width: int | Length | None = None,
height: int | Length | None = None,
) -> InlineShape:
"""Return |InlineShape| containing image identified by `image_path_or_stream`.
The picture is added to the end of this run.
`image_path_or_stream` can be a path (a string) or a file-like object containing
a binary image.
If neither width nor height is specified, the picture appears at
its native size. If only one is specified, it is used to compute a scaling
factor that is then applied to the unspecified dimension, preserving the aspect
ratio of the image. The native size of the picture is calculated using the dots-
per-inch (dpi) value specified in the image file, defaulting to 72 dpi if no
value is specified, as is often the case.
inline = self.part.new_pic_inline(image_path_or_stream, width, height)
return InlineShape(inline)
def add_tab(self) -> None:
"""Add a ``<w:tab/>`` element at the end of the run, which Word interprets as a
tab character."""
def add_text(self, text: str):
"""Returns a newly appended |_Text| object (corresponding to a new ``<w:t>``
child element) to the run, containing `text`.
Compare with the possibly more friendly approach of assigning text to the
:attr:`Run.text` property.
t = self._r.add_t(text)
return _Text(t)
def bold(self) -> bool | None:
"""Read/write tri-state value.
When |True|, causes the text of the run to appear in bold face. When |False|,
the text unconditionally appears non-bold. When |None| the bold setting for this
run is inherited from the style hierarchy.
return self.font.bold
def bold(self, value: bool | None):
self.font.bold = value
def clear(self):
"""Return reference to this run after removing all its content.
All run formatting is preserved.
return self
def contains_page_break(self) -> bool:
"""`True` when one or more rendered page-breaks occur in this run.
Note that "hard" page-breaks inserted by the author are not included. A hard
page-break gives rise to a rendered page-break in the right position so if those
were included that page-break would be "double-counted".
It would be very rare for multiple rendered page-breaks to occur in a single
run, but it is possible.
return bool(self._r.lastRenderedPageBreaks)
def font(self) -> Font:
"""The |Font| object providing access to the character formatting properties for
this run, such as font name and size."""
return Font(self._element)
def italic(self) -> bool | None:
"""Read/write tri-state value.
When |True|, causes the text of the run to appear in italics. When |False|, the
text unconditionally appears non-italic. When |None| the italic setting for this
run is inherited from the style hierarchy.
return self.font.italic
def italic(self, value: bool | None):
self.font.italic = value
def iter_inner_content(self) -> Iterator[str | Drawing | RenderedPageBreak]:
"""Generate the content-items in this run in the order they appear.
NOTE: only content-types currently supported by `python-docx` are generated. In
this version, that is text and rendered page-breaks. Drawing is included but
currently only provides access to its XML element (CT_Drawing) on its
`._drawing` attribute. `Drawing` attributes and methods may be expanded in
future releases.
There are a number of element-types that can appear inside a run, but most of
those (w:br, w:cr, w:noBreakHyphen, w:t, w:tab) have a clear plain-text
equivalent. Any contiguous range of such elements is generated as a single
`str`. Rendered page-break and drawing elements are generated individually. Any
other elements are ignored.
for item in self._r.inner_content_items:
if isinstance(item, str):
yield item
elif isinstance(item, CT_LastRenderedPageBreak):
yield RenderedPageBreak(item, self)
elif isinstance(item, CT_Drawing): # pyright: ignore[reportUnnecessaryIsInstance]
yield Drawing(item, self)
def style(self) -> CharacterStyle:
A |CharacterStyle| object representing the character style applied to this run.
The default character style for the document (often `Default Character Font`) is
returned if the run has no directly-applied character style. Setting this
property to |None| removes any directly-applied character style.
style_id = self._r.style
return cast(CharacterStyle, self.part.get_style(style_id, WD_STYLE_TYPE.CHARACTER))
def style(self, style_or_name: str | CharacterStyle | None):
style_id = self.part.get_style_id(style_or_name, WD_STYLE_TYPE.CHARACTER)
self._r.style = style_id
def text(self) -> str:
"""String formed by concatenating the text equivalent of each run.
Each `<w:t>` element adds the text characters it contains. A `<w:tab/>` element
adds a `\\t` character. A `<w:cr/>` or `<w:br>` element each add a `\\n`
character. Note that a `<w:br>` element can indicate a page break or column
break as well as a line break. Only line-break `<w:br>` elements translate to
a `\\n` character. Others are ignored. All other content child elements, such as
`<w:drawing>`, are ignored.
Assigning text to this property has the reverse effect, translating each `\\t`
character to a `<w:tab/>` element and each `\\n` or `\\r` character to a
`<w:cr/>` element. Any existing run content is replaced. Run formatting is
return self._r.text
def text(self, text: str):
self._r.text = text
def underline(self) -> bool | WD_UNDERLINE | None:
"""The underline style for this |Run|.
Value is one of |None|, |True|, |False|, or a member of :ref:`WdUnderline`.
A value of |None| indicates the run has no directly-applied underline value and
so will inherit the underline value of its containing paragraph. Assigning
|None| to this property removes any directly-applied underline value.
A value of |False| indicates a directly-applied setting of no underline,
overriding any inherited value.
A value of |True| indicates single underline.
The values from :ref:`WdUnderline` are used to specify other outline styles such
as double, wavy, and dotted.
return self.font.underline
def underline(self, value: bool):
self.font.underline = value
class _Text:
"""Proxy object wrapping `<w:t>` element."""
def __init__(self, t_elm: CT_Text):
super(_Text, self).__init__()
self._t = t_elm