docx.text.tabstops 源代码

"""Tabstop-related proxy types."""

from docx.enum.text import WD_TAB_ALIGNMENT, WD_TAB_LEADER
from docx.shared import ElementProxy

[文档] class TabStops(ElementProxy): """A sequence of |TabStop| objects providing access to the tab stops of a paragraph or paragraph style. Supports iteration, indexed access, del, and len(). It is accesed using the :attr:`~.ParagraphFormat.tab_stops` property of ParagraphFormat; it is not intended to be constructed directly. """ def __init__(self, element): super(TabStops, self).__init__(element, None) self._pPr = element def __delitem__(self, idx): """Remove the tab at offset `idx` in this sequence.""" tabs = self._pPr.tabs try: tabs.remove(tabs[idx]) except (AttributeError, IndexError): raise IndexError("tab index out of range") if len(tabs) == 0: self._pPr.remove(tabs) def __getitem__(self, idx): """Enables list-style access by index.""" tabs = self._pPr.tabs if tabs is None: raise IndexError("TabStops object is empty") tab = tabs.tab_lst[idx] return TabStop(tab) def __iter__(self): """Generate a TabStop object for each of the w:tab elements, in XML document order.""" tabs = self._pPr.tabs if tabs is not None: for tab in tabs.tab_lst: yield TabStop(tab) def __len__(self): tabs = self._pPr.tabs if tabs is None: return 0 return len(tabs.tab_lst)
[文档] def add_tab_stop( self, position, alignment=WD_TAB_ALIGNMENT.LEFT, leader=WD_TAB_LEADER.SPACES ): """Add a new tab stop at `position`, a |Length| object specifying the location of the tab stop relative to the paragraph edge. A negative `position` value is valid and appears in hanging indentation. Tab alignment defaults to left, but may be specified by passing a member of the :ref:`WdTabAlignment` enumeration as `alignment`. An optional leader character can be specified by passing a member of the :ref:`WdTabLeader` enumeration as `leader`. """ tabs = self._pPr.get_or_add_tabs() tab = tabs.insert_tab_in_order(position, alignment, leader) return TabStop(tab)
[文档] def clear_all(self): """Remove all custom tab stops.""" self._pPr._remove_tabs()
[文档] class TabStop(ElementProxy): """An individual tab stop applying to a paragraph or style. Accessed using list semantics on its containing |TabStops| object. """ def __init__(self, element): super(TabStop, self).__init__(element, None) self._tab = element @property def alignment(self): """A member of :ref:`WdTabAlignment` specifying the alignment setting for this tab stop. Read/write. """ return self._tab.val @alignment.setter def alignment(self, value): self._tab.val = value @property def leader(self): """A member of :ref:`WdTabLeader` specifying a repeating character used as a "leader", filling in the space spanned by this tab. Assigning |None| produces the same result as assigning `WD_TAB_LEADER.SPACES`. Read/write. """ return self._tab.leader @leader.setter def leader(self, value): self._tab.leader = value @property def position(self): """A |Length| object representing the distance of this tab stop from the inside edge of the paragraph. May be positive or negative. Read/write. """ return self._tab.pos @position.setter def position(self, value): tab = self._tab tabs = tab.getparent() self._tab = tabs.insert_tab_in_order(value, tab.val, tab.leader) tabs.remove(tab)