Create a Migration Script


With the environment in place we can create a new revision, using alembic revision:

环境准备好后,我们可以使用 alembic revision 创建一个新修订:

$ alembic revision -m "create account table"
Generating /path/to/yourproject/alembic/versions/1975ea83b712_create_accoun

A new file is generated. Looking inside the file:

生成了一个新文件。 文件内容如下:

"""create account table

Revision ID: 1975ea83b712
Create Date: 2011-11-08 11:40:27.089406


# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
revision = '1975ea83b712'
down_revision = None
branch_labels = None

from alembic import op
import sqlalchemy as sa

def upgrade():

def downgrade():

The file contains some header information, identifiers for the current revision and a “downgrade” revision, an import of basic Alembic directives, and empty upgrade() and downgrade() functions. Our job here is to populate the upgrade() and downgrade() functions with directives that will apply a set of changes to our database. Typically, upgrade() is required while downgrade() is only needed if down-revision capability is desired, though it’s probably a good idea.

该文件包含一些标题信息、当前修订和“downgrade”修订的标识符、Alembic 基本的导入指令以及空的 upgrade()downgrade() 函数。我们在这里的工作是使用指令填充 upgrade()downgrade() 函数,这些指令将对我们的数据库应用一组更改。通常,upgrade() 是必需的,而 downgrade() 仅在向下修订功能需要时才使用,尽管这可能是一个好主意。

Another thing to notice is the down_revision variable. This is how Alembic knows the correct order in which to apply migrations. When we create the next revision, the new file’s down_revision identifier would point to this one:

另一件需要注意的是 down_revision 变量。 这就是 Alembic 知道应用迁移的正确顺序的方式。 当我们创建下一个修订版时,新文件的 down_revision 标识符将指向这个:

# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
revision = 'ae1027a6acf'
down_revision = '1975ea83b712'

Every time Alembic runs an operation against the versions/ directory, it reads all the files in, and composes a list based on how the down_revision identifiers link together, with the down_revision of None representing the first file. In theory, if a migration environment had thousands of migrations, this could begin to add some latency to startup, but in practice a project should probably prune old migrations anyway (see the section Building an Up to Date Database from Scratch for a description on how to do this, while maintaining the ability to build the current database fully).

每次 Alembic 对 versions/ 目录运行操作时,它都会读取所有文件,并根据 down_revision 标识符链接在一起的方式组成一个列表,其中down_revision 变量为 None 的文件代表第一个迁移文件。 理论上,如果迁移环境有数千次迁移,这在开始迁移时增加一些延迟,但在项目实践中,无论如何都应该精简旧的迁移(有关如何执行此操作的说明,请参阅从头开始构建最新数据库部分,同时保持完全构建当前数据库的能力).

We can then add some directives to our script, suppose adding a new table account:

然后我们可以向我们的脚本添加一些指令,假设添加一个新表 account

def upgrade():
        sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
        sa.Column('name', sa.String(50), nullable=False),
        sa.Column('description', sa.Unicode(200)),

def downgrade():

create_table() and drop_table() are Alembic directives. Alembic provides all the basic database migration operations via these directives, which are designed to be as simple and minimalistic as possible; there’s no reliance upon existing table metadata for most of these directives. They draw upon a global “context” that indicates how to get at a database connection (if any; migrations can dump SQL/DDL directives to files as well) in order to invoke the command. This global context is set up, like everything else, in the script.

create_table()drop_table() 是 Alembic 指令。 Alembic 通过这些指令提供了所有基本的数据库迁移操作,这些指令设计得尽可能简单和简约; 大多数这些指令不依赖现有的表元数据。 它们利用一个全局“上下文”来指示如何获得数据库连接(如果有的话;迁移也可以将 SQL/DDL 指令转储到文件)以调用命令。 与其他所有内容一样,此全局上下文在 脚本中设置。

An overview of all Alembic directives is at Operation Reference.

所有 Alembic 指令的概述位于 操作参考