Built-in Operation Objects

The migration operations present on Operations are themselves delivered via operation objects that represent an operation and its arguments. All operations descend from the MigrateOperation class, and are registered with the Operations class using the Operations.register_operation() class decorator. The MigrateOperation objects also serve as the basis for how the autogenerate system renders new migration scripts.

See also:

The built-in operation objects are listed below.

  • class alembic.operations.ops.AddColumnOp(table_name: str, column: Column, schema: Optional[str] = None, **kw) → Optional[Table] Optional[Table]

    Represent an add column operation.

    • classmethod add_column(operations: Operations, table_name: str, column: Column, schema: Optional[str] = None) → Optional[Table]

      This method is proxied on the Operations class, via the Operations.add_column() method.

    • classmethod batch_add_column(operations: BatchOperations, column: Column, insert_before: Optional[str] = None, insert_after: Optional[str] = None) → Optional[Table]

      This method is proxied on the BatchOperations class, via the BatchOperations.add_column() method.

  • class alembic.operations.ops.AddConstraintOp

    Represent an add constraint operation.

  • class alembic.operations.ops.AlterColumnOp(table_name: str, column_name: str, schema: Optional[str] = None, existing_type: Optional[Any] = None, existing_server_default: Any = False, existing_nullable: Optional[bool] = None, existing_comment: Optional[str] = None, modify_nullable: Optional[bool] = None, modify_comment: Optional[Union[str, bool]] = False, modify_server_default: Any = False, modify_name: Optional[str] = None, modify_type: Optional[Any] = None, **kw)

    Represent an alter column operation.

    • class alembic.operations.ops.alter_column batch_alter_column(operations: alembic.operations.base.Operations, table_name: str, column_name: str, nullable: Optional[bool] = None, comment: Optional[Union[str, bool]] = False, server_default: Any = False, new_column_name: Optional[str] = None, type_: Optional[Union[TypeEngine, Type[TypeEngine]]] = None, existing_type: Optional[Union[TypeEngine, Type[TypeEngine]]] = None, existing_server_default: Optional[Union[str, bool, Identity, Computed]] = False, existing_nullable: Optional[bool] = None, existing_comment: Optional[str] = None, schema: Optional[str] = None,**kw) → Optional[Table]

      This method is proxied on the Operations class, via the Operations.alter_column() method.

    • class alembic.operations.ops.batch_alter_column( operations: alembic.operations.base.BatchOperations, column_name: str, nullable: Optional[bool] = None, comment: bool = False, server_default: Union[Function, bool] = False, new_column_name: Optional[str] = None, type_: Optional[Union[TypeEngine, Type[TypeEngine]]] = None, existing_type: Optional[Union[TypeEngine, Type[TypeEngine]]] = None, existing_server_default: bool = False, existing_nullable: None = None, existing_comment: None = None, insert_before: None = None, insert_after: None = None,**kw) → Optional[Table]

      This method is proxied on the BatchOperations class, via the BatchOperations.alter_column() method.

  • class alembic.operations.ops.AlterTableOp(table_name: str, schema: Optional[str] = None)

    Represent an alter table operation.

  • class alembic.operations.ops.CreateCheckConstraintOp(constraint_name: Optional[str], table_name: str, condition: Union[str, TextClause, ColumnElement[Any]], schema: Optional[str] = None, **kw)

    Represent a create check constraint operation.

  • class alembic.operations.ops.CreateForeignKeyOp(constraint_name: Optional[str], source_table: str, referent_table: str, local_cols: List[str], remote_cols: List[str], **kw)

    Represent a create foreign key constraint operation.

  • class alembic.operations.ops.CreateIndexOp batch_create_index create_index(index_name: str, table_name: str, columns: Sequence[Union[str, TextClause, ColumnElement[Any]]], schema: Optional[str] = None, unique: bool = False, **kw) Represent a create index operation.

  • class alembic.operations.ops.CreateTableCommentOp(table_name: str, comment: Optional[str], schema: Optional[str] = None, existing_comment: Optional[str] = None, operations, comment, existing_comment=None)

    Represent a COMMENT ON table operation.

  • class alembic.operations.ops.CreateTableOp(table_name: str, columns: Sequence[Union[Column, Constraint]], schema: Optional[str] = None, _namespace_metadata: Optional[MetaData] = None, _constraints_included: bool = False, **kw)

    Represent a create table operation.

    • classmethod create_table(operations: Operations,table_name: str, *columns, **kw) → Optional[Table]

      This method is proxied on the Operations class, via the Operations.create_table() method.

  • class alembic.operations.ops.DowngradeOps(ops: Sequence[[alembic.operations.ops.MigrateOperation]] = (), downgrade_token: str = 'downgrades')

    contains a sequence of operations that would apply to the ‘downgrade’ stream of a script.

    See also: Customizing Revision Generation

class alembic.operations.ops.DropColumnOp batch_drop_column drop_column(table_name: str, column_name: str, schema: Optional[str] = None, _reverse: Optional[[alembic.operations.ops.AddColumnOp]] = None, **kw)

Represent a drop column operation.
  • classmethod batch_drop_column(operations: BatchOperations, column_name: str, **kw) → Optional[Table]

This method is proxied on the BatchOperations class, via the BatchOperations.drop_column() method.

  • classmethod drop_column(operations: Operations, table_name: str, column_name: str, schema: Optional[str] = None, **kw) → Optional[Table]

This method is proxied on the Operations class, via the Operations.drop_column() method.

  • class alembic.operations.ops.DropConstraintOp(constraint_name: Optional[str], table_name: str, type_: Optional[str] = None, schema: Optional[str] = None, _reverse: Optional[[alembic.operations.ops.AddConstraintOp]] = None)

    Represent a drop constraint operation.

  • class alembic.operations.ops.DropIndexOp(index_name: Union[quoted_name, str, conv], table_name: Optional[str] = None, schema: Optional[str] = None, _reverse: Optional[[CreateIndexOp]] = None, **kw)

    Represent a drop index operation.

  • class alembic.operations.ops.DropTableCommentOp batch_drop_table_comment drop_table_comment reverse(table_name: str, schema: Optional[str] = None, existing_comment: Optional[str] = None)

    Represent an operation to remove the comment from a table.

    • classmethod batch_drop_table_comment(operations, existing_comment=None)

      This method is proxied on the BatchOperations class, via the BatchOperations.drop_table_comment() method.

    • classmethod drop_table_comment(operations: Operations, table_name: str,existing_comment: Optional[str] = None, schema: Optional[str] = None) → Optional[Table]

      This method is proxied on the Operations class, via the Operations.drop_table_comment() method.

    • reverse()

      Reverses the COMMENT ON operation against a table.

  • class alembic.operations.ops.DropTableOp drop_table(table_name: str, schema: Optional[str] = None, table_kw: Optional[MutableMapping[Any, Any]] = None, _reverse: Optional[[alembic.operations.ops.CreateTableOp]] = None) → None

    Represent a drop table operation.

  • classmethod drop_table(operations: alembic.operations.base.Operations, table_name: str,schema: Optional[str] = None, **kw: Any) → None

    This method is proxied on the Operations class, via the Operations.drop_table() method.

  • class alembic.operations.ops.MigrationScript(rev_id: Optional[str], upgrade_ops: [alembic.operations.ops.UpgradeOps], downgrade_ops: [alembic.operations.ops.DowngradeOps], message: Optional[str] = None, imports: Set[str] = {}, head: Optional[str] = None, splice: Optional[bool] = None, branch_label: Optional[str] = None, version_path: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None)

    represents a migration script.

    E.g. when autogenerate encounters this object, this corresponds to the production of an actual script file.

    A normal MigrationScript object would contain a single UpgradeOps and a single DowngradeOps directive. These are accessible via the .upgrade_ops and .downgrade_ops attributes.

    In the case of an autogenerate operation that runs multiple times, such as the multiple database example in the “multidb” template, the .upgrade_ops and .downgrade_ops attributes are disabled, and instead these objects should be accessed via the .upgrade_ops_list and .downgrade_ops_list list-based attributes. These latter attributes are always available at the very least as single-element lists.

    See also: Customizing Revision Generation

  • class alembic.operations.ops.ModifyTableOps(table_name: str, ops: Sequence[[alembic.operations.ops.MigrateOperation]], schema: Optional[str] = None)

    Contains a sequence of operations that all apply to a single Table.

  • class alembic.operations.ops.OpContainer(ops: Sequence[[alembic.operations.ops.MigrateOperation]] = ())

    Represent a sequence of operations operation.

  • class alembic.operations.ops.RenameTableOp rename_table(old_table_name: str, new_table_name: str, schema: Optional[str] = None)

    Represent a rename table operation.

    • rename_table(operations: Operations, old_table_name: str, new_table_name: str, schema: Optional[str] = None) → Optional[Table]

      This method is proxied on the Operations class, via the Operations.rename_table() method.

  • class alembic.operations.ops.UpgradeOps(ops: Sequence[[alembic.operations.ops.MigrateOperation]] = (), upgrade_token: str = 'upgrades')

    contains a sequence of operations that would apply to the ‘upgrade’ stream of a script.

    See also: Customizing Revision Generation