DDL Internals
These are some of the constructs used to generate migrationinstructions. The APIs here build off of the sqlalchemy.schema.DDLElement and Custom SQL Constructs and Compilation Extension systems.
For programmatic usage of Alembicâs migration directives, the easiestroute is to use the higher level functions given by Operation Directives .
class alembic.ddl.base. AddColumn (name: str, column: sqlalchemy.sql.schema.Column, schema: Optional[Union[sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name, str]] = None)
class alembic.ddl.base. AlterColumn (name: str, column_name: str, schema: Optional[str] = None, existing_type: Optional[TypeEngine] = None, existing_nullable: Optional[bool] = None, existing_server_default: Optional[Union[TextClause, FetchedValue, Function, str]] = None, existing_comment: Optional[str] = None)
class alembic.ddl.base. AlterTable (table_name: str, schema: Optional[Union[sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name, str]] = None)
Represent an ALTER TABLE statement.
Only the string name and optional schema name of the tableis required, not a full Table object.
class alembic.ddl.base. ColumnComment (name: str, column_name: str, comment: Optional[str], **kw)
class alembic.ddl.base. ColumnDefault (name: str, column_name: str, default: Optional[Union[TextClause, FetchedValue, Function, str]], **kw)
class alembic.ddl.base. ColumnName (name: str, column_name: str, newname: str, **kw)
class alembic.ddl.base. ColumnNullable (name: str, column_name: str, nullable: bool, **kw)
class alembic.ddl.base. ColumnType (name: str, column_name: str, type_: TypeEngine, **kw)
class alembic.ddl.base. ComputedColumnDefault (name: str, column_name: str, default: Optional[Computed], **kw)
class alembic.ddl.base. DropColumn (name: str, column: sqlalchemy.sql.schema.Column, schema: Optional[str] = None)
class alembic.ddl.base. IdentityColumnDefault (name: str, column_name: str, default: Optional[Identity], impl: DefaultImpl, **kw)
class alembic.ddl.base. RenameTable (old_table_name: str, new_table_name: Union[sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name, str], schema: Optional[Union[sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name, str]] = None)
alembic.ddl.base. add_column (compiler: DDLCompiler, column: Column, **kw) → str
alembic.ddl.base. alter_column (compiler: DDLCompiler, name: str) → str
alembic.ddl.base. alter_table (compiler: DDLCompiler, name: str, schema: Optional[str]) → str
alembic.ddl.base. drop_column (compiler: DDLCompiler, name: str, **kw) → str
alembic.ddl.base. format_column_name (compiler: DDLCompiler, name: Optional[Union[quoted_name, str]]) → Union[quoted_name, str]
alembic.ddl.base. format_server_default (compiler: DDLCompiler, default: Optional[Union[TextClause, FetchedValue, Function, str]]) → str
alembic.ddl.base. format_table_name (compiler: Compiled, name: Union[quoted_name, str], schema: Optional[Union[quoted_name, str]]) → Union[quoted_name, str]
alembic.ddl.base. format_type (compiler: DDLCompiler, type_: TypeEngine) → str
alembic.ddl.base. quote_dotted (name: Union[sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name, str], quote: functools.partial) → Union[sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name, str]
quote the elements of a dotted name
alembic.ddl.base. visit_add_column (element: AddColumn, compiler: DDLCompiler, **kw) → str
alembic.ddl.base. visit_column_default (element: ColumnDefault, compiler: DDLCompiler, **kw) → str
alembic.ddl.base. visit_column_name (element: ColumnName, compiler: DDLCompiler, **kw) → str
alembic.ddl.base. visit_column_nullable (element: ColumnNullable, compiler: DDLCompiler, **kw) → str
alembic.ddl.base. visit_column_type (element: ColumnType, compiler: DDLCompiler, **kw) → str
alembic.ddl.base. visit_computed_column (element: ComputedColumnDefault, compiler: DDLCompiler, **kw)
alembic.ddl.base. visit_drop_column (element: DropColumn, compiler: DDLCompiler, **kw) → str
alembic.ddl.base. visit_identity_column (element: IdentityColumnDefault, compiler: DDLCompiler, **kw)
alembic.ddl.base. visit_rename_table (element: RenameTable, compiler: DDLCompiler, **kw) → str
class alembic.ddl.impl. DefaultImpl (dialect: Dialect, connection: Optional[Connection], as_sql: bool, transactional_ddl: Optional[bool], output_buffer: Optional[StringIO], context_opts: Dict[str, Any])
Provide the entrypoint for major migration operations,including database-specific behavioral variances.
While individual SQL/DDL constructs already providefor database-specific implementations, variances hereallow for entirely different sequences of operationsto take place for a particular migration, such asSQL Serverâs special âIDENTITY INSERTâ step forbulk inserts.
add_column (table_name: str, column: Column, schema: Optional[Union[quoted_name, str]] = None) → None
add_constraint (const: Any) → None
alter_column (table_name: str, column_name: str, nullable: Optional[bool] = None, server_default: Union[_ServerDefault, Literal[False]] = False, name: Optional[str] = None, type_: Optional[TypeEngine] = None, schema: Optional[str] = None, autoincrement: Optional[bool] = None, comment: Optional[Union[str, Literal[False]]] = False, existing_comment: Optional[str] = None, existing_type: Optional[TypeEngine] = None, existing_server_default: Optional[_ServerDefault] = None, existing_nullable: Optional[bool] = None, existing_autoincrement: Optional[bool] = None, **kw: Any) → None
autogen_column_reflect (inspector, table, column_info)
A hook that is attached to the âcolumn_reflectâ event for whena Table is reflected from the database during the autogenerateprocess.
Dialects can elect to modify the information gathered here.
property bind : Optional[Connection]
bulk_insert (table: Union[TableClause, Table], rows: List[dict], multiinsert: bool = True) → None
cast_for_batch_migrate (existing, existing_transfer, new_type)
command_terminator = ';'
compare_server_default (inspector_column, metadata_column, rendered_metadata_default, rendered_inspector_default)
compare_type (inspector_column: Column, metadata_column: Column) → bool
Returns True if there ARE differences between the types of the twocolumns. Takes impl.type_synonyms into account between retrospectedand metadata types
correct_for_autogen_constraints (conn_uniques: Set[UniqueConstraint], conn_indexes: Set[Index], metadata_unique_constraints: Set[UniqueConstraint], metadata_indexes: Set[Index]) → None
correct_for_autogen_foreignkeys (conn_fks: Set[ForeignKeyConstraint], metadata_fks: Set[ForeignKeyConstraint]) → None
create_column_comment (column: ColumnElement) → None
create_index (index: Index) → None
create_table (table: Table) → None
create_table_comment (table: Table) → None
drop_column (table_name: str, column: Column, schema: Optional[str] = None, **kw) → None
drop_constraint (const: Constraint) → None
drop_index (index: Index) → None
drop_table (table: Table) → None
drop_table_comment (table: Table) → None
emit_begin () → None
Emit the string
, or the backend-specificequivalent, on the current connection context.This is used in offline mode and typicallyvia EnvironmentContext.begin_transaction() .
emit_commit () → None
Emit the string
, or the backend-specificequivalent, on the current connection context.This is used in offline mode and typicallyvia EnvironmentContext.begin_transaction() .
execute (sql: Union[Update, TextClause, str], execution_options: None = None) → None
classmethod get_by_dialect (dialect: Dialect) → Any
identity_attrs_ignore : Tuple[str, ...] = ('on_null',)
prep_table_for_batch (batch_impl: ApplyBatchImpl, table: Table) → None
perform any operations needed on a table before a newone is created to replace it in batch mode.
the PG dialect uses this to drop constraints on the tablebefore the new one uses those same names.
rename_table (old_table_name: str, new_table_name: Union[str, quoted_name], schema: Optional[Union[quoted_name, str]] = None) → None
render_ddl_sql_expr (expr: ClauseElement, is_server_default: bool = False, **kw) → str
Render a SQL expression that is typically a server default,index expression, etc.
New in version 1.0.11.
render_type (type_obj: TypeEngine, autogen_context: AutogenContext) → Union[str, Literal[False]]
requires_recreate_in_batch (batch_op: BatchOperationsImpl) → bool
Return True if the given
would need the table to be recreated and copied in order toproceed.Normally, only returns True on SQLite when operations otherthan add_column are present.
start_migrations () → None
A hook called when EnvironmentContext.run_migrations() is called.
Implementations can set up per-migration-run state here.
transactional_ddl = False
type_arg_extract : Sequence[str] = ()
type_synonyms : Tuple[Set[str], ...] = ({'DECIMAL', 'NUMERIC'},)
class alembic.ddl.impl. ImplMeta (classname: str, bases: Tuple[Type[alembic.ddl.impl.DefaultImpl]], dict_: Dict[str, Any])
class alembic.ddl.impl. Params (token0, tokens, args, kwargs)
Create new instance of Params(token0, tokens, args, kwargs)
property args
Alias for field number 2
property kwargs
Alias for field number 3
property token0
Alias for field number 0
property tokens
Alias for field number 1