Autogenerating Custom Operation Directives

Operation Plugins 部分中,我们讨论了添加 MigrateOperation 的新子类以添加新的 op. 指令。 在上一节**[自定义修订生成]** 中,我们还了解到,这些相同的**MigrateOperation** 结构是自动生成系统如何知道要呈现哪些 Python 代码的基础。 利用这些知识,我们可以创建插入自动生成系统的附加函数,以便在运行 alembic revision --autogenerate 时将我们的新操作生成到迁移脚本中。

以下部分将详细介绍使用我们在 Operation Plugins 中创建的 CreateSequenceOpDropSequenceOp 指令的示例,它们对应于 SQLAlchemy Sequence 结构。

Tracking our Object with the Model

The basic job of an autogenerate comparison function is to inspect a series of objects in the database and compare them against a series of objects defined in our model. By “in our model”, we mean anything defined in Python code that we want to track, however most commonly we’re talking about a series of Table objects present in a MetaData collection.

Let’s propose a simple way of seeing what Sequence objects we want to ensure exist in the database when autogenerate runs. While these objects do have some integrations with Table and MetaData already, let’s assume they don’t, as the example here intends to illustrate how we would do this for most any kind of custom construct. We associate the object with the info collection of MetaData, which is a dictionary we can use for anything, which we also know will be passed to the autogenerate process:

from sqlalchemy.schema import Sequence

def add_sequence_to_model(sequence, metadata):"sequences", set()).add(

my_seq = Sequence("my_sequence")
add_sequence_to_model(my_seq, model_metadata)

The info dictionary is a good place to put things that we want our autogeneration routines to be able to locate, which can include any object such as custom DDL objects representing views, triggers, special constraints, or anything else we want to support.

Registering a Comparison Function

We now need to register a comparison hook, which will be used to compare the database to our model and produce CreateSequenceOp and DropSequenceOp directives to be included in our migration script. Note that we are assuming a Postgresql backend:

from alembic.autogenerate import comparators

def compare_sequences(autogen_context, upgrade_ops, schemas):
    all_conn_sequences = set()

    for sch in schemas:

            (sch, row[0]) for row in
                "SELECT relname FROM pg_class c join "
                "pg_namespace n on n.oid=c.relnamespace where "
                "relkind='S' and n.nspname=%(nspname)s",

                # note that we consider a schema of 'None' in our
                # model to be the "default" name in the PG database;
                # this usually is the name 'public'
                if sch is None else sch

    # get the collection of Sequence objects we're storing with
    # our MetaData
    metadata_sequences =
        "sequences", set())

    # for new names, produce CreateSequenceOp directives
    for sch, name in metadata_sequences.difference(all_conn_sequences):
            CreateSequenceOp(name, schema=sch)

    # for names that are going away, produce DropSequenceOp
    # directives
    for sch, name in all_conn_sequences.difference(metadata_sequences):
            DropSequenceOp(name, schema=sch)

Above, we’ve built a new function compare_sequences() and registered it as a “schema” level comparison function with autogenerate. The job that it performs is that it compares the list of sequence names present in each database schema with that of a list of sequence names that we are maintaining in our MetaData object.

When autogenerate completes, it will have a series of CreateSequenceOp and DropSequenceOp directives in the list of “upgrade” operations; the list of “downgrade” operations is generated directly from these using the CreateSequenceOp.reverse() and DropSequenceOp.reverse() methods that we’ve implemented on these objects.

The registration of our function at the scope of “schema” means our autogenerate comparison function is called outside of the context of any specific table or column. The three available scopes are “schema”, “table”, and “column”, summarized as follows:

  1. Schema level - these hooks are passed a AutogenContext, an UpgradeOps collection, and a collection of string schema names to be operated upon. If the UpgradeOps collection contains changes after all hooks are run, it is included in the migration script:

    def compare_schema_level(autogen_context, upgrade_ops, schemas):
  2. Table level - these hooks are passed a AutogenContext, a ModifyTableOps collection, a schema name, table name, a Table reflected from the database if any or None, and a Table present in the local MetaData. If the ModifyTableOps collection contains changes after all hooks are run, it is included in the migration script:

    def compare_table_level(autogen_context, modify_ops,
        schemaname, tablename, conn_table, metadata_table):
  3. Column level - these hooks are passed a AutogenContext, an AlterColumnOp object, a schema name, table name, column name, a Column reflected from the database and a Column present in the local table. If the AlterColumnOp contains changes after all hooks are run, it is included in the migration script; a “change” is considered to be present if any of the modify_ attributes are set to a non-default value, or there are any keys in the .kw collection with the prefix "modify_":

    def compare_column_level(autogen_context, alter_column_op,
        schemaname, tname, cname, conn_col, metadata_col):

The AutogenContext passed to these hooks is documented below.

  • class alembic.autogenerate.api.AutogenContext(migration_context: MigrationContext, metadata: OptionalMetaData = None, opts: Optional[dict] = None, autogenerate: bool = True)

    Maintains configuration and state that’s specific to an autogenerate operation.

    • connection: Optional[Connection] = None

      The Connection object currently connected to the database backend being compared.

      This is obtained from the MigrationContext.bind and is ultimately set up in the script.

    • dialect: Optional[Dialect] = None

      The Dialect object currently in use.

      This is normally obtained from the dialect attribute.

    • imports: Set[[str]] = None

      A set() which contains string Python import directives.

      The directives are to be rendered into the ${imports} section of a script template. The set is normally empty and can be modified within hooks such as the EnvironmentContext.configure.render_item hook.

      See also: Affecting the Rendering of Types Themselves

    • metadata: Optional[MetaData] = None

      The MetaData object representing the destination.

      This object is the one that is passed within to the EnvironmentContext.configure.target_metadata parameter. It represents the structure of Table and other objects as stated in the current database model, and represents the destination structure for the database being examined.

      While the MetaData object is primarily known as a collection of Table objects, it also has an info dictionary that may be used by end-user schemes to store additional schema-level objects that are to be compared in custom autogeneration schemes.

    • migration_context: MigrationContext = None

      The MigrationContext established by the script.

    • run_filters(object_: Union[Table, Index, Column, UniqueConstraint, ForeignKeyConstraint], name: Optional[[str]], type_: [str], reflected: [bool], compare_to: Optional[Union[Table, Index, Column, UniqueConstraint]]) → [bool]

      Run the context’s object filters and return True if the targets should be part of the autogenerate operation.

      This method should be run for every kind of object encountered within an autogenerate operation, giving the environment the chance to filter what objects should be included in the comparison. The filters here are produced directly via the EnvironmentContext.configure.include_object parameter.

    • run_name_filters(name: Optional[[str]], type_: [str], parent_names: Dict[str, Optional[[str]]]) → [bool]

      Run the context’s name filters and return True if the targets should be part of the autogenerate operation.

      This method should be run for every kind of name encountered within the reflection side of an autogenerate operation, giving the environment the chance to filter what names should be reflected as database objects. The filters here are produced directly via the EnvironmentContext.configure.include_name parameter.

    • run_object_filters(object_: Union[Table, Index, Column, UniqueConstraint, ForeignKeyConstraint], name: Optional[str], type_: [str], reflected: [bool], compare_to: Optional[Union[Table, Index, Column, UniqueConstraint]]) → [bool]

      Run the context’s object filters and return True if the targets should be part of the autogenerate operation.

      This method should be run for every kind of object encountered within an autogenerate operation, giving the environment the chance to filter what objects should be included in the comparison. The filters here are produced directly via the EnvironmentContext.configure.include_object parameter.

    • sorted_tables

      Return an aggregate of the MetaData.sorted_tables collection(s).

      For a sequence of MetaData objects, this concatenates the MetaData.sorted_tables collection for each individual MetaData in the order of the sequence. It does not collate the sorted tables collections.

    • table_key_to_table

      Return an aggregate of the MetaData.tables dictionaries.

      The MetaData.tables collection is a dictionary of table key to Table; this method aggregates the dictionary across multiple MetaData objects into one dictionary.

      Duplicate table keys are not supported; if two MetaData objects contain the same table key, an exception is raised.

Creating a Render Function

The second autogenerate integration hook is to provide a “render” function; since the autogenerate system renders Python code, we need to build a function that renders the correct “op” instructions for our directive:

from alembic.autogenerate import renderers

def render_create_sequence(autogen_context, op):
    return "op.create_sequence(%r, **%r)" % (
        {"schema": op.schema}

def render_drop_sequence(autogen_context, op):
    return "op.drop_sequence(%r, **%r)" % (
        {"schema": op.schema}

The above functions will render Python code corresponding to the presence of CreateSequenceOp and DropSequenceOp instructions in the list that our comparison function generates.

Running It

All the above code can be organized however the developer sees fit; the only thing that needs to make it work is that when the Alembic environment is invoked, it either imports modules which contain all the above routines, or they are locally present, or some combination thereof.

If we then have code in our model (which of course also needs to be invoked when runs!) like this:

from sqlalchemy.schema import Sequence

my_seq_1 = Sequence("my_sequence_1")
add_sequence_to_model(my_seq_1, target_metadata)

When we first run alembic revision --autogenerate, we’ll see this in our migration file:

def upgrade():
    ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
    op.create_sequence('my_sequence_1', **{'schema': None})
    ### end Alembic commands ###

def downgrade():
    ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
    op.drop_sequence('my_sequence_1', **{'schema': None})
    ### end Alembic commands ###

These are our custom directives that will invoke when alembic upgrade or alembic downgrade is run.