Partial Revision Identifiers


Any time we need to refer to a revision number explicitly, we have the option to use a partial number. As long as this number uniquely identifies the version, it may be used in any command in any place that version numbers are accepted:

任何时候我们需要明确引用修订号,我们都可以选择使用部分编号。 只要这个数字唯一标识版本,它就可以在任何接受版本号的地方用在任何命令中:

alembic upgrade ae1

Above, we use ae1 to refer to revision ae1027a6acf. Alembic will stop and let you know if more than one version starts with that prefix.

上面,我们使用 ae1 来指代修订版 ae1027a6acf。 如果有多个版本以该前缀开头,Alembic 将停止并通知您。