
  • class alembic.ddl.postgresql. CreateExcludeConstraintOp (constraint_name: Optional[str], table_name: Union[str, quoted_name], elements: Union[Sequence[Tuple[str, str]], Sequence[Tuple[ColumnClause, str]]], where: Optional[Union[BinaryExpression, str]] = None, schema: Optional[str] = None, _orig_constraint: Optional[ExcludeConstraint] = None, **kw)

    Bases: alembic.operations.ops.AddConstraintOp

    Represent a create exclude constraint operation.

  • class alembic.ddl.postgresql. PostgresqlColumnType (name: str, column_name: str, type_: TypeEngine, **kw)

    Bases: alembic.ddl.base.AlterColumn

    • class alembic.ddl.postgresql. PostgresqlImpl (dialect: Dialect, connection: Optional[Connection], as_sql: bool, transactional_ddl: Optional[bool], output_buffer: Optional[StringIO], context_opts: Dict[str, Any])

      Bases: alembic.ddl.impl.DefaultImpl

    • alter_column (table_name: str, column_name: str, nullable: Optional[bool] = None, server_default: Union[_ServerDefault, Literal[False]] = False, name: Optional[str] = None, type_: Optional[TypeEngine] = None, schema: Optional[str] = None, autoincrement: Optional[bool] = None, existing_type: Optional[TypeEngine] = None, existing_server_default: Optional[_ServerDefault] = None, existing_nullable: Optional[bool] = None, existing_autoincrement: Optional[bool] = None, **kw: Any) → None

    • autogen_column_reflect (inspector, table, column_info)

      A hook that is attached to the ‘column_reflect’ event for whena Table is reflected from the database during the autogenerateprocess.

      Dialects can elect to modify the information gathered here.

    • compare_server_default (inspector_column, metadata_column, rendered_metadata_default, rendered_inspector_default)

    • correct_for_autogen_constraints (conn_unique_constraints, conn_indexes, metadata_unique_constraints, metadata_indexes)

    • create_index (index)

    • identity_attrs_ignore : Tuple[str, ...] = ('on_null', 'order')

    • memo : dict

    • prep_table_for_batch (batch_impl, table)

      perform any operations needed on a table before a newone is created to replace it in batch mode.

      the PG dialect uses this to drop constraints on the tablebefore the new one uses those same names.

    • render_type (type_: TypeEngine, autogen_context: AutogenContext) → Union[str, Literal[False]]

    • transactional_ddl = True

    • type_synonyms : Tuple[Set[str], ...] = ({'DECIMAL', 'NUMERIC'}, {'DOUBLE PRECISION', 'FLOAT'})

  • alembic.ddl.postgresql. visit_column_comment (element: ColumnComment, compiler: PGDDLCompiler, **kw) → str

  • alembic.ddl.postgresql. visit_column_type (element: alembic.ddl.postgresql.PostgresqlColumnType, compiler: PGDDLCompiler, **kw) → str

  • alembic.ddl.postgresql. visit_identity_column (element: IdentityColumnDefault, compiler: PGDDLCompiler, **kw)

  • alembic.ddl.postgresql. visit_rename_table (element: alembic.ddl.base.RenameTable, compiler: PGDDLCompiler, **kw) → str