The Environment Context

The EnvironmentContext class provides most of the API used within an script. Within, the instantated EnvironmentContext is made available via a special proxy module called alembic.context. That is, you can import alembic.context like a regular Python module, and each name you call upon it is ultimately routed towards the current EnvironmentContext in use.

In particular, the key method used within is EnvironmentContext.configure(), which establishes all the details about how the database will be accessed.

class alembic.runtime.environment.EnvironmentContext(config: Config, script: ScriptDirectory, **kw)

A configurational facade made available in an script.

The EnvironmentContext acts as a facade to the more nuts-and-bolts objects of MigrationContext as well as certain aspects of Config, within the context of the script that is invoked by most Alembic commands.

EnvironmentContext is normally instantiated when a command in alembic.command is run. It then makes itself available in the alembic.context module for the scope of the command. From within an script, the current EnvironmentContext is available by importing this module.

EnvironmentContext also supports programmatic usage. At this level, it acts as a Python context manager, that is, is intended to be used using the with: statement. A typical use of EnvironmentContext:

from alembic.config import Config
from alembic.script import ScriptDirectory

config = Config()
config.set_main_option("script_location", "myapp:migrations")
script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(config)

def my_function(rev, context):
    '''do something with revision "rev", which
    will be the current database revision,
    and "context", which is the MigrationContext
    that the will create'''

with EnvironmentContext(
    fn = my_function,
    as_sql = False,
    starting_rev = 'base',
    destination_rev = 'head',
    tag = "sometag"

The above script will invoke the script within the migration environment. If and when calls MigrationContext.run_migrations(), the my_function() function above will be called by the MigrationContext, given the context itself as well as the current revision in the database.

Note: For most API usages other than full blown invocation of migration scripts, the MigrationContext and ScriptDirectory objects can be created and used directly. The EnvironmentContext object is only needed when you need to actually invoke the module present in the migration environment.

Construct a new EnvironmentContext.
