
configure(connection: Optional[Connection] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, dialect_name: Optional[str] = None, dialect: Optional[Dialect] = None, environment_context: Optional[EnvironmentContext] = None, dialect_opts: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, opts: Optional[Any] = None) → MigrationContext

Create a new MigrationContext.

This is a factory method usually called by EnvironmentContext.configure().


  • connection – a Connection to use for SQL execution in “online” mode. When present, is also used to determine the type of dialect in use.
  • url – a string database url, or a sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL object. The type of dialect to be used will be derived from this if connection is not passed.
  • dialect_name – string name of a dialect, such as “postgresql”, “mssql”, etc. The type of dialect to be used will be derived from this if connection and url are not passed.
  • opts – dictionary of options. Most other options accepted by EnvironmentContext.configure() are passed via this dictionary.