class alembic.ddl.mssql. MSSQLImpl (*arg, **kw)
Bases: alembic.ddl.impl.DefaultImpl
alter_column (table_name: str, column_name: str, nullable: Optional[bool] = None, server_default: Optional[Union[_ServerDefault, Literal[False]]] = False, name: Optional[str] = None, type_: Optional[TypeEngine] = None, schema: Optional[str] = None, existing_type: Optional[TypeEngine] = None, existing_server_default: Optional[_ServerDefault] = None, existing_nullable: Optional[bool] = None, **kw: Any) → None
batch_separator = 'GO'
bulk_insert (table: Union[TableClause, Table], rows: List[dict], **kw: Any) → None
compare_server_default (inspector_column, metadata_column, rendered_metadata_default, rendered_inspector_default)
create_index (index: Index) → None
drop_column (table_name: str, column: sqlalchemy.sql.schema.Column, schema: Optional[str] = None, **kw) → None
emit_begin () → None
Emit the string
, or the backend-specificequivalent, on the current connection context.This is used in offline mode and typicallyvia EnvironmentContext.begin_transaction() .
emit_commit () → None
Emit the string
, or the backend-specificequivalent, on the current connection context.This is used in offline mode and typicallyvia EnvironmentContext.begin_transaction() .
identity_attrs_ignore : Tuple[str, ...] = ('minvalue', 'maxvalue', 'nominvalue', 'nomaxvalue', 'cycle', 'cache', 'order', 'on_null', 'order')
memo : dict
transactional_ddl = True
type_synonyms : Tuple[Set[str], ...] = ({'DECIMAL', 'NUMERIC'}, {'NVARCHAR', 'VARCHAR'})
alembic.ddl.mssql. mssql_add_column (compiler: MSDDLCompiler, column: Column, **kw) → str
alembic.ddl.mssql. visit_add_column (element: AddColumn, compiler: MSDDLCompiler, **kw) → str
alembic.ddl.mssql. visit_column_default (element: ColumnDefault, compiler: MSDDLCompiler, **kw) → str
alembic.ddl.mssql. visit_column_nullable (element: ColumnNullable, compiler: MSDDLCompiler, **kw) → str
alembic.ddl.mssql. visit_column_type (element: ColumnType, compiler: MSDDLCompiler, **kw) → str
alembic.ddl.mssql. visit_rename_column (element: ColumnName, compiler: MSDDLCompiler, **kw) → str
alembic.ddl.mssql. visit_rename_table (element: RenameTable, compiler: MSDDLCompiler, **kw) → str