
.. Copyright (C) Brad Miller, David Ranum This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/.



. Draw the graph corresponding to the following adjacency matrix.

.. figure:: Figures/adjMatEX.png :align: center

. Draw the graph corresponding to the following list of edges.

.. table::

       | from   | to   | cost   |
       | 1      | 2    | 10     |
       | 1      | 3    | 15     |
       | 1      | 6    | 5      |
       | 2      | 3    | 7      |
       | 3      | 4    | 7      |
       | 3      | 6    | 10     |
       | 4      | 5    | 7      |
       | 6      | 4    | 5      |
       | 5      | 6    | 13     |

. Ignoring the weights, perform a breadth-first search on the graph

drawn for question 1 or 2.

.. activecode:: breadthfirst :coach:

.. mchoice:: question1_1 :answer_a: O(n) :answer_b: O(n2) :answer_c: O(1) :answer_d: O(n3) :correct: b :feedback_a: O(n) would suggest that there is no nesting. There are several nested for loops. :feedback_b: Correct. The two consecutively nested for loops would dictate that this is in the realm of O(n2). :feedback_c: O(1) would suggest that the function is constant. Since there are multiple for loops intertwined, it is not in constant time. :feedback_d: O(n3) would suggest that there are three consecutively nested for loops. There are only two.

. What is the Big-O running time of the build_graph function?

.. shortanswer:: BigO

. Derive the Big-O running time for the topological sort algorithm.

.. shortanswer:: BigOTwo

. Derive the Big-O running time for the strongly connected components


. Show each step in applying Dijkstra’s algorithm to the graph

drawn for question 1 or 2.

. Using Prim’s algorithm, find the minimum weight spanning tree for the graph

drawn for question 1 or 2.

.. activecode:: primsalg :coach:

. Draw a dependency graph illustrating the steps needed to send an

email. Perform a topological sort on your graph.

. Express branching factor :math:k as a function of the board size :math:n.

. Derive an expression for the base of the exponent used in expressing the

running time of the knights tour.

.. shortanswer:: DFS

. Explain why the general DFS algorithm is not suitable for solving

the knight's tour problem.

.. mchoice:: question1_2 :answer_a: O(1) :answer_b: O(n3) :answer_c: O(n) :answer_d: O(n2) :correct: d :feedback_a: O(1) would mean that the algorithm runs in constant time. This isn't true because there are several comparisons happening in the algorithm. :feedback_b: O(n3) suggests that there are three consecutively nested loops. If you look at the example algorithm, it is obvious that there are not three nested loops. :feedback_c: O(n) is linear time. The time it takes for this program to run doesn't grow linearly. :feedback_d: Correct. Since you are not only comparing the weight of a branch but also if the branch has already been connected to, this would make the Big-O of the algorithm O(n2)

. What is the Big-O running time for Prim’s minimum

spanning tree algorithm?

. Modify the depth-first search function to produce a topological sort.

. Modify the depth-first search to produce strongly connected


. Write the transpose method for the Graph class.

. Using breadth-first search write an algorithm that can determine the

shortest path from each vertex to every other vertex. This is called the “all pairs shortest path problem.”

. Using breadth-first search revise the maze program from

the Chapter 4 (Recursion) to find the shortest path out of a maze.

. Write a program to solve the following problem: you have two jugs, a

4-gallon and a 3-gallon. Neither of the jugs has any markings. There is a pump that can be used to fill the jugs with water. How can you get exactly two gallons of water in the 4-gallon jug?

. Generalize the problem above so that the parameters to your solution

include the size of each jug and the final amount of water to be left in the larger jug.

. Write a program that solves the following problem: three missionaries

and three cannibals come to a river and find a boat that holds two people. Everyone must get across the river to continue on the journey. However, if the cannibals ever outnumber the missionaries on either bank, the missionaries will be eaten. Find a series of crossings that will get everyone safely to the other side of the river.

最后更新: 2023年10月10日
创建日期: 2023年10月10日