
.. Copyright (C) Brad Miller, David Ranum This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/.



. Draw the tree structure resulting from the following set of tree

function calls:


   >>> r = BinaryTree(3)
   >>> insert_left(r, 4)
   [3, [4, [], []], []]
   >>> insert_left(r, 5)
   [3, [5, [4, [], []], []], []]
   >>> insert_right(r, 6)
   [3, [5, [4, [], []], []], [6, [], []]]
   >>> insert_right(r, 7)
   [3, [5, [4, [], []], []], [7, [], [6, [], []]]]
   >>> set_root_val(r, 9)
   >>> insert_left(r, 11)
   [9, [11, [5, [4, [], []], []], []], [7, [], [6, [], []]]]

. Trace the algorithm for creating an expression tree for the

expression :math:(4 * 8) / 6 - 3.

. Consider the following list of integers: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]. Show

the binary search tree resulting from inserting the integers in the list.

. Consider the following list of integers: [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]. Show

the binary search tree resulting from inserting the integers in the list.

. Generate a random list of integers. Show the binary heap tree

resulting from inserting the integers on the list one at a time.

. Using the list from the previous question, show the binary heap tree

resulting from using the list as a parameter to the heapify method. Show both the tree and list form.

. Draw the binary search tree that results from inserting the following

keys in the order given: 68, 88, 61, 89, 94, 50, 4, 76, 66, and 82.

. Generate a random list of integers. Draw the binary search tree

resulting from inserting the integers on the list.

. Consider the following list of integers: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]. Show

the binary heap resulting from inserting the integers one at a time.

. Consider the following list of integers: [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]. Show

the binary heap resulting from inserting the integers one at a time.

. Consider the two different techniques we used for implementing traversals of a binary

tree. Why must we check before the call to preorder when implementing it as a method, whereas we could check inside the call when implementing it as a function?

. Show the function calls needed to build the following binary tree.

.. figure:: Figures/exerTree.png :align: center

. Given the following tree, perform the appropriate rotations to bring it back into balance.

.. figure:: Figures/rotexer1.png :align: center

. Using the following as a starting point, derive the equation that gives the updated balance factor for node D.

.. figure:: Figures/bfderive.png :align: center

. Extend the build_parse_tree function to handle mathematical

expressions that do not have spaces between every character.

. Modify the build_parse_tree and evaluate functions to handle

Boolean statements (and, or, and not). Remember that not is a unary operator, so this will complicate your code somewhat.

. Using the find_successor method, write a non-recursive inorder

traversal for a binary search tree.

. A threaded binary tree maintains a reference from each node to

its successor. Modify the code for a binary search tree to make it threaded, then write a non-recursive inorder traversal method for the threaded binary search tree.

. Modify our implementation of the binary search tree so that it

handles duplicate keys properly. That is, if a key is already in the tree then the new payload should replace the old rather than add another node with the same key.

. Create a binary heap with a limited heap size. In other words, the

heap only keeps track of the :math:n most important items. If the heap grows in size to more than :math:n items the least important item is dropped.

. Clean up the print_exp function so that it does not include an

extra set of parentheses around each number.

. Using the heapify method, write a sorting function that can

sort a list in :math:O(n\log{n}) time.

. Write a function that takes a parse tree for a mathematical

expression and calculates the derivative of the expression with respect to some variable.

. Implement a binary heap as a max heap.

. Using the BinaryHeap class, implement a new class called

PriorityQueue. Your PriorityQueue class should implement the constructor plus the enqueue and dequeue methods.

. Implement the delete method for an AVL tree.

最后更新: 2023年10月10日
创建日期: 2023年10月10日